who would I need to be?
Who would I need to be…
Let me tell you how this question can change your life. I’ll start by showing you how it has shifted my own.
Once you start “becoming” aware, or awake or conscious or whatever word you want to use, you realize that you have been speaking, eating, working, thinking, without…thinking. You’ve been on autopilot.
Most of our autopilot settings were set from childhood, from our parents’ childhood, and their parents’ childhood and so on and so forth for so many generations. I don’t know about you buy my auto pilot was set to SURVIVE.
Everything I did, said, or created was from FEAR. The amount of rules I had to live by and keep was not only exhausting, but they made no sense! “Make a lot of money so you can help others, but don’t make too much because rich people are bad, and don’t be too poor because poor people are bad and then you can’t be a good person by helping others less than you, but everyone is equal, yadayadayada.” Exhausting!
BUT, and this is a big but, then you start becoming conscious and your beautiful brain freaks out. “LOOK at how you’ve been living! Look at how much you judge! Look at how afraid you are! What a mess! You better clean this up fast!” So then we become a new version of autopilot, and this is “conscious of my ego and everyone else’s”. This just becomes a new personality. Same fear, new set of rules (but pretty similar). They just are dressed up differently.
You can notice this new version of you and try to judge it, which will never work, or you can look at it as information. You can use everything as a tool or a weapon.
There are thousands of modalities to heal and transcend and let go of anything less than love- but I have found the easiest way is when I notice I’m acting from fear instead of love, I can ask this question “who am I being right now?”. (Hint the answer is always an old version of my afraid self). And then I ask:
“Who would I need to be to…”
“Who would I need to love everyone, including myself?”
“Who would I need to be that where I am is a perfect lesson showing me what I used to believe?”
“Who would I need to be that I am prosperous and my desires are divine callings?”
Read those questions about you.
Sit in stillness.
Watch the answers arise.
I love that you are reading this. I love that you are ready for the answers.