everything is up to you
Did you ever read Harold and the Purple Crayon?
If you haven't, it's a fun children's book where Harold dreams he has a purple crayon, and whatever he draws with it becomes true. He draws a boat and water and sails across it, he draws a door and handle and opens it, he draws a bed, he draws a tree, everything and it all becomes true.
What I love about this book, is…it’s true. You are Harold, and your imagination is the crayon. Your consciousness is creating what is happening in your world, but only 100% of the time.
Most people don’t want to work with me, most people don’t want my advice, and do you know why? Because most people want to blame OTHER PEOPLE, THEIR BODY/GENETICS/POLITICS/SPOUSE/WEATHER/CULTURE/RELIGION/CHURCH/GENDER/”ISMS” on why their world is the way their world is.
Because taking 100% ownership for your life, at first….feels really crummy. BUT BUT BUT!!!!! The good news, is if YOU are the cause of your reality, that means if you aren’t enjoying some things right now, well YOU are the solution.
Everything you can see right now with your eyes was chosen by YOU to be in your reality. If you constantly judge what you see and don’t like it, and BLAME it on someone else, you are just creating a future with things in it you don’t like and a lot of energy lost trying to blame someone else for it.
Now, most people think people only teach about “creation” (another word is manifesting) so that they can make money having people dream about yachts and gold chains and pet tigers. Now, if your highest version of yourself desires all of those things from love and it serves others, then so be it! But learning that you are the creator of you life means dedicating your life to FULLY love yourself, FULLY love your choices, FULLY love God.
Because when you’ve got the BFF necklace, bestie mode with GOD, and feeling his love 24/7, all you want to do IS SHARE IT WITH OTHERS. And if your human mind says, “hey, you actually don’t like these kind of clothes”, and it serves you to have a different kind of clothes or car or move or whatever, and it serves YOU, it serves others. But the clothes, cars and other things are outer manifestations of inner imagination.
Who would you be being if you had nothing that needed to be FIXED in your life?
Who would you be if no ONE is a problem, including yourself?
Who would you be if your body was healthy, whole and happy?
Who would you be if you had no regrets as a parent?
Who would you be if your kitchen was the Pinterest version that you desire?
Would you be folding your laundry in gratiftude?
Would you be smiling more?"
Would you be driving more places and talking to more people?
Would you be cooking more?
Would you be complaining less?
You can use your divine imagination to live in complete faith, which is living, acting and creating FROM THE END first.
If you believe that money is hard to make, you are drawing that with your crayon.
If you believe that teens are difficult, you are drawing that into your life with your crayon.
If you believe that you should be stressed if the economy is “bad” and happy if the economy is “good”, guess what? Yup, more creating that into your life.
You’ve got the crayon, and you have the energy and capability to create ANY LIFE YOU CAN DESIRE.
A little louder for the back: you have the energy and capability to create ANY LIFE YOU CAN DESIRE!
And this is about you fully loving your self, loving God and serving others from total and complete freedom. And it all starts and begins with YOU and the God given power of creation you have been given.
I love you. I love what you’ve created in your life. And I love helping people create more miracles and love in their lives as well.