Read this about you…

Everything is about YOU.


That’s why the first two commandments are:

1. Love God with all your heart, might, mind and strength (that’s a whole lotta YOU and your body loving)

2. Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF

So first we need a whole body and soul investment into figuring out who this God is and how to use our entire being to LOVE IT.

And then we gotta LOVE OURSELF (which is cream cheese after loving God) so we can love others.

This skill: READING THIS ABOUT YOURSELF, will change your life.

Because this is about you.

Your body is about you.

Your neighbors are about you.

All of it.

Everything is showing you where there is love needed and/or where you have given love.

But only always.

Read your scriptures, and read them about YOU.

Watch the shows you watch, and watch them about YOU.

Talk about the people you talk about, and talk as if you are talking about YOU.

Listen to your complaints about the world as if they are about YOU.

Notice your envies and the amazing things you admire about others, and know that those things are in YOU as well.

Feel overflowing gratitude for the beauty of the earth or a lover’s smile, knowing that is how beautiful you are as well.


You’re the main star of this show baby!!! Start shining!!!!EVERYTHING

That’s why the first two commandments are:

1. Love God with all your heart, might, mind and strength (that’s a whole lotta YOU and your body loving)

2. Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF

So first we need a whole body and soul investment into figuring out who this God is and how to use our entire being to LOVE IT.

And then we gotta LOVE OURSELF (which is cream cheese after loving God) so we can love others.

This skill: READING THIS ABOUT YOURSELF, will change your life.

Because this is about you.

Your body is about you.

Your neighbors are about you.

All of it.

Everything is showing you where there is love needed and/or where you have given love.

But only always.

Read your scriptures, and read them about YOU.

Watch the shows you watch, and watch them about YOU.

Talk about the people you talk about, and talk as if you are talking about YOU.

Listen to your complaints about the world as if they are about YOU.

Notice your envies and the amazing things you admire about others, and know that those things are in YOU as well.

Feel overflowing gratitude for the beauty of the earth or a lover’s smile, knowing that is how beautiful you are as well.


You’re the main star of this show baby!!! Start shining!!!!


who would I need to be?


you are always creating