the present of presence

My kids, well 4 of them, all went back to school this morning. And as Tommy and I walked into the house after drop off, I remembered, “oh yeah, it's just Tommy and me until nap time every day." 

 What a delight to realize I was happy with my kids being home, and I am happy with our schedule now. I hadn't been waiting and looking forward to having more quiet and alone time at home with Tommy, because I hadn't been wishing for my kids to go back to school. This is HUGE my friend. 

 The peace and gift of enjoying life, as it is, is something that once you get a taste of, you just want to share it with everyone! Can you imagine being present and accepting of each moment? Not wishing it away, or wishing the next “event" would arrive? Not hoping and dreaming of feeling better once things “get better”, but instead just…being here and enjoying right now?

 I won't lie thought, there's a lot of work that goes into being present like this. Unless you have a stroke, your brain really resists you letting go of all the stressful thoughts and beliefs that just freaking love to argue with reality.

 Thoughts like, “why does this always happen?”, “nothing is ever going to change”, “I hate it when they do that”, “there I go, messing up again”, “I shouldn't have done that”, “they shouldn't be doing that”, “I should have done that differently”, “they should have done that differently”, etc etc etc

 Sound familiar?

 Those thoughts are just on a repeat loop in our mind, and until we learn how to slow down, witness the mind, witness our thoughts and learn how to LOVE ourselves, (and yes, every weird, dramatic, horrible thought as well) and forgive ourselves, we will never know how to love life and receive the miracle that it is and the miracles surrounding it.

 Life isn't about fixing one problem just to fix the next. Life is about CREATING more love. What would happen if you approached your day with curiosity? What if you just started watching your day?

 Where in your day is there a need for more loving acceptance? When you look in the mirror in the morning? After getting short with your kids? After a judgmental thought about your neighbor passes through your noggin?

 I promise, that as you learn how to love those thoughts, and just let them be, when you learn how to forgive yourself for being human, well then it gets fun! All that ENERGY YOU HAVE SPENT WASTING LIFE JUDGING YOURSELF AND OTHERS gets to be used creating and serving others! Life becomes a playground of possibility and a chance to LOVE more and BE more loving and create awesome stuff out of love.

 For example: I'm speaking at a live workshop this Thursday, and I want to share with you WHY I am. Because a dear friend said, “I think more people need to know what you are doing, and how to love their lives more.” And I felt in my body, YES, this is a loving thing to do. You see, there is no “I am teaching this class in order to change people/get more exposure/look amazing/ etc etc etc” There was a loving invitation, and a loving acceptance.

 But guess what? Then, o h then!!!!! To follow on inspiration takes some gut wrenching action! You see I love speaking at events and retreats, but this time I am speaking in my hometown. And I booked a larger venue. And I put my picture on posters and even put some around town. All of these things were not fun to do, but I did it, and I DID IT FROM LOVE.

 Do I want to poop my pants? yes. Do I know I'm still going to show up and speak from love? Yes. Annie is always nervous when she is speaking, but speaking in front of people who know you is way more nerve wracking. But, as the brilliant Mark Twain said, “There are only two types of speakers in the world. The nervous, and the liars.”  Just remember that next time you are nervous to speak! It takes guts to be authentic and vulnerable. It takes guts to show up and do things you haven't done, or done in front of people who know you.

 Nothing changes when nothing changes.

Start changing your life by getting curious, and willing to learn how to love yourself and love life. I promise it's worth it!

And if you'd love to come listen to my free lecture and witness live 1-1 coaching, I'll include the info below! 

Happy New Year! 2023 is here and awesome already!


morning madness and loving judgements


Christmas for you