How’s your energy today?

How are you feeling? Are you overwhelmed with all of the global shifting energy right now? Or are you feeling peaceful and enjoying this special season? The secret is, both are good things! Overwhelmed with emotions means growth! And feeling peace and joy are available all the time, yes, even when you are overwhelmed.


Speaking of overwhelm, I just began my social media fast last night for two weeks until Christmas. I can't tell you the relief I immediately felt deleting those apps off my phone, I had no idea the energy I was giving them. I had become unconscious to how I felt about them.


Take a deep breath and check in with your beautiful self. How do you feel right now, as you read this?


 Are you aware of where you are and what you are giving your attention to?


 Is the daily content you explore and partake of lifting, stagnating or lowering you? 


What is your purpose in reading this? Inspiration? Approval? Validation? More guilt and doubt? Another “thing” to “practice” to become “enlightened”? 


Awareness of where you are is everything. It doesn’t mean changing or judging yourself, it just is a method of becoming conscious of the thoughts, beliefs and habits driving your actions. 


“What am I searching for”? could be the only question you ask today, and if you wait in silence for it, the answer will sit with you.


Here are a few ways for you to shift out of seeing “overwhelm” as negative (The way the world sees it) and using it as motivation to raise your energy levels right now so you can balance your healing with also being in the sacred, still, present moment.


Quantum tools (these are tools to live on a higher level)

  1. Turn up your energy frequency: exercise! laughter! meditation! listening to Christmas songs!

  2. Set an intention every night and morning to ONLY align with love or above

  3. Shift your energy to what lights you up.

  4. Surround yourself with people and energy that uplift you!


I love you, I'm proud of you. You are perfect, whole, loved and divine my dear. Never forget that.


Wishing you the merriest, most peaceful Christmas this year.


Spoons, Spoons, Forks, Forks, Knives, Knives


you are not your body