problems or possibilities?

My husband and I fought for a good chunk of our drive home yesterday. And it was a 7 hour drive.

But as we continued to discuss the unresolved issues- wonderful solutions and answers started to come to us.

Learning how to have and hold space for HARD conversations will change your life.

And want to know what else will change your life?

Realizing that EVERYTHING always works out. We started to really dive into every “problem” our marriage and lives have “had”, and literally every single one turned out to have incredible gifts and possibilities of change.

Most people live their lives with a fixed mindset that says there are good ways for things to turn out, and bad ways. So we constantly run around complaining about the problems and try to fix them.

Don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Want to stay the same? Keep trying to change your life/body/relationships/world because you believe there is a “problem” with them.

Focusing on our problems is a surefire way to never be creating FROM OUR DREAMS.

 Want to create Heaven on earth? Think, believe and ACT as if God is in charge and that you are LOVED and there are no such things as problems and that you are trusted to CREATE from your dreams?

What would life look like for you without the belief that there are “problems” that need to be fixed?

I used to see problems as HUGE FAT PROBLEMS.

I then decided to look for possiblitilites. Maybe, just maybe this problem is showing me a possibility to change. It is showing me something that I don’t desire?

Possiblilities are endless, and they fascinate me.

Try this shift on for yourself today.

What am I looking at that I judge as a problem?

What would I happen if I looked for the possibility here instead?

Let me know what you experience with this change of focus!

Love, Annie


do you know how to be happy?


everything is up to you