Daily life around here is like…

Dancing through every day like…

I felt like writing a little update of what is happening around the Leavitt house these days. Because even though this site makes it sound like i’m in a zen blissed out state all day- I am still incredibly human and raising 5 kids.

So here’s a quick run down of what we are doing and what I am liking right now:

  • we are loving this Potato Curry recipe this fall. Everyone likes it and it has great herbs for immune systems.

  • Tommy is all things TODDLER…running, climbing (climbing on everything), opening things

  • He also finally entered the oral phase of learning and is putting everything in his mouth (fun!)

  • the two oldest girls are on our local high school drill team and we LOVE (well I do) watching them perform every week. Tomorrow they will be dancing at the State Playoff game at Raider’s Stadium. Soooo lots of excitement around here.

  • every week the same said children have to test for covid- it’s been quite the emotional journey. they are now totally immune to it (ha ha), the testing process that is.

  • Lucy got covid in September which put a huge damper on Phoebe’s birthday but she endured. Lucy is healthy and drinks so much water and takes her vitamins- it was 3 days of rough head pressure and body aches and she got over. She still has limited smell and taste though.

  • the rest of us were fine, I think I may have had it? but who knows?

  • For Lucy’s 17th birthday I drove down with her and her best friend for a day at Disneyland!

  • Rodney had soccer season and loved his coach and team, Phoebe had volleyball and had the same sentiment. It was a busy 6 weeks there for sure

  • I no longer have any idea what to do if my kids have the sniffles. I used to have the protocol memorized- and now it’s like, scratchy throat? Oh crap we are going to kill the neighborhood. IT’s a lot to process for sure, and we are not immunocompromised or whatever that word is.

  • the girls are covering D&C and polygamy right now in seminary. I will just say this, I am grateful they feel safe asking questions and telling me what bothers them. For the first time in my life I acknowledged that I am NOT ok with polygamy, or more importantly, I am so OK that I am NOT OK with it. Meaning, I don’t agree with it, but I also don’t care. I tried for so long to defend it/understand it etc, and now it’s like “Will we ever know?” NO. Can you ever know ANYTHING REALLY? NO. Does this affect my life RIGHt NOW and my ability to love and forgive and laugh? NO. So I let it go. But witnessing the cultural aspects within our church community to justify everything has been a lot of work to try and just witness. But I am here! I am witnessing it! Check in with your kids if they are in seminary right now ;).

  • my work is going amazing! I absolutely love coaching/mentoring. Each woman I work with amazes me and I love witnessing their love for life and fully living it. I”m launching my first group mastermind tomorrow, super excited about that cuz it’s gonna be crazy rabbit hole stuff that I NEVER talk about.

  • i’ve paused a lot on what I share and how. just checking in on what I WANT TO BE DOING, what works for ME and where I am COMING FROM. Always good to check in right?

  • for as crazy as the world seems, i’ve never felt more grounded and secure. I love this adventure called life, and I love watching it play out.

  • all that being said- I still have no idea what I am doing! But I love it!

  • Ty is now a licensed Hunting Guide and is loving his side work, so far hehe. It’s a lot to juggle with life and kids and work.

  • it’s been a year since my last miscarriage, interesting to reflect. so much has happened in a year. a lot of growth. a lot of letting go. I feel like I almost have no interest or need to look back, but when things pop up I just look at them and whatever I feel I feel. it’s very freeing!

That’s about it for now, I work a few hours a week, and if I do have free time I have 23 books in my kindle and audible (I am not joking) that I am going through. I love learning, and I love life! I am glad you are here still reading friend, thanks for being awesome!


a street where I do belong


on the other side of fear