body and soul, heaven and earth

This is definitely going to be one of those posts that talks A LOT and then shares the recipe on the next post, I’m just letting everyone know far in advance mmkay? Okay. Here we go…

Growing up hyper I was always doing SOMETHING with my body. Sports, dance, running around toilet papering houses or joking around, I was never not moving. As we began our family I stayed active through running and gym memberships and anything to stay in shape.

I don’t know if there is a diet I have not tried, except for the all meat diet. And with all that being said…the past few years since having our Tommy baby, I have not really moved my body a lot. I’ve tried to do keto a few times, but it never felt right.

Spiritually and mentally I had made leaps and bounds and really loving the learning process and coaching other’s on it, but something was missing. I kept in mind that I wanted to find ways to take care of my body- and I kept praying and being open to answers.

It was a weird place to be, but I was at peace with it. I had never loved my body more, exactly as it was, and yet knew it was asking for me to BE in it and LOVE others with it. I then had an amazing call with Dr. Daniel Harner, an amazing psycho spiritual mentor, and he pointed out that most people in spiritual work are AFRAID to do the body side of being human. They are “so spiritual” and connected to hearing spirits and channeling messages and understanding their past lives and all other stuff, but totally are not in their body. And it’s all because of fear.

Living a Christlike life means well, LIVING it. What is the point of knowing God’s love and feeling it if you aren’t using your body and mind together to share that with everyone that you know, in exactly the way designed for YOU to do that?

That conversation started a lot of amazing miracles for me, of looking for ways to BE in my body and keep it GROUNDED to earth as I keep spiritually ascending to the truth of who I am. Because guess what? If you IGNORE your body, it always makes SURE you keep paying attention to it, one way or another. Think of how often you THINK or LOOK at your body with love, let alone think or look at it at all. Not very much am I right? And the more you ignore it or hate it, the more it tries to get you to pay attention. Enter illness or gaining weight. Because if you aren’t going to be IN Your body on earth, your body will just add more gravity to keep you ON earth and connected to it. You are a spiritual being in a body- and not by accident. Your job is to fully live IN a body and through a body ON EARTH, not just your mind. This is bringing heaven to earth, literally, through your magnificent body, YES YOUR BODY IS MAGNIFICENT.

Some great ways to stay GROUNDED and CONNECTED to your body:

  • exercise (get sweaty)

  • weight lifting

  • meditation

  • walks in nature/hiking

  • sauna sessions (get really sweaty)

  • yoga/chi gong/ etc

  • swimming

  • cold therapy

  • nutrition

So about a week after that conversation I started to feel ready to look at my nutrition. I was doing many of the things the list, but nutrition felt like the next step. I reached out to a spouse of a dear friend who is a NUTRITION GENIUS. And of course, because my life is miraculous, he had time that day to sit with me. For hours he explained what would bet he best step to take care of my body. I was willing, and ready and implemented it all right away.

And so dear reader, if you are ready and willing as well, here is what I was ready to learn.

Our bodies in this day and age are full of toxins and sludge. They are overburdened with trying to process the junk food that we eat and the crazy amount of food we are ALWAYS eating all the time. Add in the fact that when we choose to exercise we are doing it to punish or change our bodies instead of support them, it’s a big mess.

The first thing we discussed was intermittent fasting and how helpful it is for your body as you take care of it. This is a great YouTube video about the science behind intermittent fasting, and was pretty much the same as what he taught me. Watch it here>

Your body is digesting food for up to 5-6 hours after your last meal, if it’s a fatty or processed meal (or both) it can take up to 8 hours or more depending on your metabolism. Once your body finishes digesting it then “cleans house”. It starts to clear out the gunk in your cells and blood cells and entire body. If it doesn’t get a chance to do this, the excess “stuff” that needs to be cleaned out starts to back up in our kidneys and liver and guts.

So think about when you eat, what time do you eat before you go to bed? My entire life (yes even when I did intermittent fasting 2016-2018) I have eaten RIGHT before bed. I always felt like I couldn’t sleep if I wasn’t full. So let’s say you eat right before bed at 9pm. And you wake up at 5am. If you ate a perfectly clean meal, that only gives you 1-2 hours of fasting and cleaning house for your bod. If you ate some Oreos or ice cream, that could give you ZERO time to clean house. And then you begin your day with eating all over again, and everything just keeps adding up.

When I have a newborn, I eat at night when I feed them. And Tommy kept eating at night up until last summer. So that’s almost TWO years of night eating, and eating all day. I felt miserable. I loved my body, but it was tired and cranky and mad at me. And if you are eating KETO but not intermittent fasting? Sure, you will lose weight, but your poor body will have so much die off and stuff that it never gets time to get rid of, so you’ll have cravings and probably bad digestion and not great skin. All signs your body isn’t doing too hot.

But since fasting, it feels SOOOO GOOD. You know that groggy, tired, brain fog achy feeling? Yeah, it’s totally gone now for me. My body is SO Happy with intermittent fasting. I am sleeping like a ROCK by not eating 3 hours before going to bed.

So, yeah, there is the plug for IF or just assisting your body in getting a freaking break from digesting food.

Now, when you start a new diet or cut out food groups or do keto or add in intermittent fasting, you have what we call “DIE OFF”. All the yucky stuff that’s been living off of the yucky stuff in you and what you eat, starts to starve. Think Candida, bad bacterias, old cells, parasites, you name it.

When those things DIE, the toxins in them are released all at once in your body. So even if you are sweating a ton every day and eating a perfectly clean diet, you’ll still feel like crap for the first week or so as you pass those die off toxins. You’ll also have a lot of mental chatter, crazy thoughts and emotions. Because 1. most of our eating is masking those thoughts and emotions swirling around and 2. I firmly believe that thoughts and emotions are energy that can be stored in the body as extra fat and or bacteria/parasites/candida etc. (I Know, weird! But I truly believe it)

So I’ve usually just muscled through the DIE Off when I diet, but this time my genius friend told me about the “Dirt” recipe. IT’s a drink you drink to help with the die off and cleansing. It helps the die off toxins to bind to it and pushes it through your body faster and with less side effects.

Two of the ingredients in the dirt are activated charcoal and bentonite clay, which both bind to positive toxins, absorb them, and shuttle them through your system. So when I started my cleanse, I had a few minor, minor headaches, and still some mood swings the first week, but other than that NO DIE OFF symptoms. You know the keto flu etc? NOTHING. And bonus! My allergy symptoms went away as well.

I still drink this dirt almost every day, and it’s really assisting my body and brain to recalibrate and get to center. My body was ExTREMELY acidic, and this dirt water I drink has helped my body return to a normal PH level, besides assisting it in cleansing itself.

My inflammation? Started to go down right away. My wedding ring fits after two years! My shoes fit better. My brain fog? GONE. My cravings? GONE. I feel full ALL DAY. And the best part of re balancing my body is that I now CRAVE fruits and vegetables. I have zero interest in processed foods or heavy meats. It is the craziest thing! I must have been extremely mineral deficient.

I also did a parasite cleanse with my first month and let’s just say that….yeah, My body had a lot of critters feeding off of it. I feel SO MUCH BETTER.

I think the best part of this process is taking back ownership of my body RIGHT NOW, but taking it back in a way of being in SERVICE and LOVE for not only this body I am in, but the bodies of everyone else around me.

I”ll share the dirt recipe in the next post. But I’ll share here what has happened since I started the intermittent fasting and the “dirt” every morning ( I also cut out sugar and caffeine):

In the first month I lost 15 lbs, wedding ring and clothes fit again, no brain fog, ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY, zero cravings and a hunger for real food. Sleep is amazing as well!

Now I have a lot of friends and family already trying out the “dirt” in their life and seeing huge changes as well. Our bodies are just SO READY for us to love them and take care of them. Bringing Heaven to earth means BEING in a body THAT WORKS. If we just get out of the way, our body can take care of itself just fine. And if we feed it foods that it needs, it can take even better care of itself! Plus sleep is like, everything. So yeah, there’s that too ;)


Drink Dirt- Feel Better


You are loved- Esther Raab’s story