Group Coaching Facilitating

Transform your family, work environment, and community with a group coaching experience.

Are you ready to reinvent the way you see the world, and in turn, reinvent your life?

Group Facilitations led by Annie teach you HOW to simply figure out what is really happening inside of you and around you. Annie’s goal is to share with as many people as possible how to end internal suffering, while still having fun!

Who Group Coaching is for:

  • Families looking to live more according to their purpose and goals.

  • Families needing help to navigate difficult decisions, repair relationships, heal divisions, grieve the loss of a loved one, etc

  • Work teams needing cohesiveness, honesty and clarity with each other.

  • Groups of friends looking to up level their lives and deepen their relationship with self, God, family, community and the world.

Who Group Coaching is Not for:

  • If you are looking for a quick fix

  • If you want someone else to change

  • If you don’t want to change your life for the good

Experience Forgiveness on a new level, that will change every relationship in your life.


How it works:

Annie is a soul centered guide who will lead the group with love, truth and humor to end shaming, blaming, criticizing and judgments. She gently and powerfully guides the group to their own personal revelations and unique blocks to enlightenment.

Annie will clearly show that what you need is already within you, it’s only hidden by your thoughts. She opens you to see how you can BE the loving person you desire to be, right now.

As a mother of 5 (from teenagers to toddlers) a wife and member of her community and religion, Annie teaches everyone, from any background or belief, easy, relatable, REAL LIFE ways how to simply question your thoughts, and how that alone completely transforms your life.

“The way you relate to your thoughts—that’s what you bring to every relationship you have, including the one with yourself.” -Byron Katie


Group Facilitation Day Schedule:

Motivation and instructional speech by Annie- anywhere from 60-90 minutes depending on topic/needs

  • q&a with group- 30 minutes

  • short break (of your choosing, you are hosting event ;)

  • GROUP COACHING, (we call this Chair time) Annie sits across from one person at the front of the room, and walks them through what is bothering them and how to come to peace with it. This is a group experience as everyone is taught how to apply each discussion to themselves personally.

  • Depending on time agreement, you decide how many people get 1-1 coaching as group watches. It takes anywhere from 45-90 minutes for Annie to walk one person through what’s going on with them.


Topics for opening Lecture:

  • 99% of people have no idea how to actually forgive others and in turn, themselves. Learn WHAT forgiveness actually is, what it means about you and how to apply it minute by minute to live a peaceful and blissed out life.

  • Learn what time is, how you can create it, expand it and transform it so you always have more than enough time for everything that you are creating.

  • Learn how the world set parenting up to be a giant crap bag, and how to see the miraculous gift that parenting is for you and the world. Learn how to love your kids, love yourself, love your family.

  • Learn in a fun way how to see all of your expectations, how they are harming you and how to make agreements instead. This will transform your work and family environment, not to mention your mind and heart.

  • Now that everyone is learning about consciousness and the “ego”, most are hating it and trying to transcend it. This only creates a spiritual ego. Learn about ego, what it means for you and how it can be your BFF.

  • Learn how to catch where you are identifying as a victim, why everyone does it, why it works and how it is holding you back from living the life you desire. Learn how to simply step into identifying as a creator and watch your life change instantly.

  • Learn what energy is, how to have more of it mentally, spiritually, physically and how to create an amazing life with it.

  • Learn what you believe about men/women, why it’s probably wrong, what is actually going on and how they are different for a reason. Learn how to honor both the masculine and feminine in every area and person in your life.


Group Coaching Cost of Appreciation:


*Email for inquiries.


This is a 2-6 hour group experience that transforms everyone in the room and includes powerful 1-1 coaching as well as group coaching.

You choose the location and pricing is bespoke to time/*travel etc.

Email for inquiries, or fill out an inquiry here


“What do you want to create? What’s missing

is the want to. Total fearless committed responsibility for producing an outcome! And that’s the secret formula.

This works for you, too. The courage to create means that you yourself will create systems that guarantee your own success based on how much they serve your people. “ -Steve Chandler

If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.

If you aren't afraid of dying, there is nothing you can't achieve. -

Lao Tzu