I am perfect as I am

Listen up you,

Everything that has happened to you is perfect.

You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

"But Annie!" You are yelling at the screen, "you don’t know about my spouse! You don’t know what my parent said and did to me! You don’t know about my thighs! You don’t know about how horrible I am!"

Yes, baby, I do. And…I promise, they are all perfect and exactly as they should be.

Why can I say this with 100% confidence.

  1. Because God isn't an idiot, or cruel

  2. And this is part of the game of life

All the mistakes, and trauma, and horribleness have brought you here, to this sacred space, they have brought you ready to be different, to think differently, to stand out so you can stand up and see love. And then get off your butt and SHARE THAT LOVE LIKE NUTELLA!

Are you ready to see how perfect you are? Are willing to stand in front of a mirror and say these affirmations out loud to your amazing self:

I am infinite

I am powerful

I am beautiful

I am patient

I am compassionate

I am love

I am hope

I am courage

I am light

I am change

I am expansion

I am forgiveness

I am life

I am truth

I am no “thing”

I am everything


stop delaying your soul work just to feel comfy again


cutting out toxic people in your life