what I wish I would have had
a friend texted me the other day asking for resources for a new mom struggling with PPD (post partum depression) , and after I sent a lot of texts and links to websites and said a few prayers for this unknown momma it made me think...a lot.
I've been working on a life coach certification for many months now, and working with my first client for over a month. I've got to tell you, I love it. I love watching women find hope courage and the strength to reach their goals.
It's funny, because it's nothing I ever saw myself doing. I also never felt qualified, but as Rumi said: "When setting on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home." I took a breath and realized, I've done this journey, I am qualified (even if I'll never feel like it, let's be honest, no one does).
I I love teaching, and always have, but instead of teaching you how to attain the perfect double pirouette, I can help you reach your personal goals and also give you tools that stop a panic attack before it hits at your cousin's house. ;)
I completed a mindfulness coach certification and finally finished my life coaching certification and bit the bullet. So here we are:
I'm offering 1-1 life coaching for moms ...
and after thinking about that one new mom that is struggling all alone without any answers, I'm offering a pre-post natal life coaching package to help moms get thought the last months of pregnancy and first few months after birth with dignity, peace, power and confidence.
You can click the link "coaching" on the menu and find more info there. If you are really interested in coaching I offer a free 30 minute phone call to make sure we are a good fit for each other! Life coaching is NOT therapy, it's helping you find your mental and emotional blocks that keep you from reaching your goals. Coaching keeps you accountable and gives you an extra cheerleader when you really need it. Get equipped with skills to help you navigate life with more grace and ease.
Wahooo!!! I know how much life coaching helped me, and I'm so grateful to be able to turn around and give back to other moms who are ready to rock!